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Un appel de Gaza

« We are powerless, everybody is waiting for his destiny in and each minute you might be the next victim in The Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes (F16, drones) are flying cross Gaza skies terrorizing children, it is a war against defenseless people. We are scared because Israel does not distinguish between civilians and militaries when they attack » words I received from my father in Gaza. Please pass his words so as not to be left alone in the bombarded Gaza.


Ibrahim Sourani
Scary Times in Gaza! The Israeli military air fighters were active all the night shelling and bombarding different places in Gaza Strip.

A Massacre is taking place, killing children, women and elderly and further, another page of the bloody aggression against Palestinian civilians.

New Generations of Palestinians are experiencing the Israelis death tool. For the Israelis to prove again, that they are not wishing any peace with Palestinians.. and culture of hatred and killing is dominating our protracted conflict.

Bloodshed in Gaza for few Palestinians but tones of fear sealed with wrath against Israel and its leadership.

This morning, I cannot leave home.. Simply every one is a target for the military air fighters.


Gaza Youth Breaks Out (GYBO)
Good morning everyone, we are still alive!

et puis ça, aussi envoyé par Asma :
 »Le porte-parole de l’armée israélienne annonce qu’il coupera  Internet dans les prochaines heures dans la bande de Gaza ainsi que tout le réseau de téléphonies mobile pour désactiver
tous les moyens de communication dans la bande de Gaza !!
A nos camarades, nos familles dans la diaspora et nos frères arabes.,lorsque qu’ils couperont tout, sachez qu’ils seront en train de nous massacrer comme ils l’ont fait à Sabra et Chatila,
Deir Yassin, Qana et Tel Zaatar au Liban!!  »
Appel  au secours d’une camarade de Gaza.

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